Octopus recipe

02 March 2021 / Schede ricette


  • 1 whole fresh octopus

Cephalopod meat is rich in connective fibres and therefore, to ensure that it becomes tender after cooking, it is necessary to “beat” it beforehand to break the fibre and make the meat tenderer. Alternatively, it is necessary to freeze the meat to break off the nerve fibres and achieve tenderer and tastier meats with no loss of important liquids. At the end of the waveco® process the octopus maintains its original colour, has acquired greater tenderness and will have an aroma of the sea, thanks to the lower cooking times and temperature. Furthermore, thanks to the lower bacterial count, we can consume the cephalopods directly which gives us new flavours and consistency.

Clean the octopus and separate the tentacles, put them sous vide to mature for 90 minutes, cook at 50° for an hour and then finish the cooking however you prefer (browning or grilling).

Chef: Carmine Calò / Corporate & Consulting Chef di ncg

Thanks to induced maturation© we can prepare octopus, avoiding the period of “frollatura” and significantly reduce cooking times, achieving a tenderer food that has preserved all its delicate nutritional qualities”.

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